Rockafellow Law Firm


Tucson Office


Pedestrian Accidents

The who, what, where and when

Walking has many health benefits. It is an activity enjoyed by many, especially in the warm Arizona sunshine. Before you set out for your walk, however, make sure to exercise caution to keep yourself safe. In this post, we examine the Who, What, Where, and When of pedestrian accidents.

Who. Pedestrians of all ages and races are at risk of being injured in a pedestrian accident. However, according to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), children are especially at risk for pedestrian related injuries due to their size, inexperience in judging crossings, and risk-taking tendencies. In addition, studies show that: males are at a higher risk for pedestrian injuries than females. Pre-teens and young adults are at a higher risk. The risk of a pedestrian dying from car crash-related injuries generally increases with age. Drinking alcohol increases the risk of a pedestrian dying from a vehicle related crash.

What. Pedestrian fatalities account for about 13 percent of all traffic deaths. In 2010, 70,000 pedestrians were injured in motor vehicle crashes in the United States and 4,280 were killed. These are high numbers, but perhaps not surprising. Pedestrians, like bicyclists, are extremely exposed and are not protected by cages of steel like car drivers.

Where: According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, most pedestrian injuries occur in urban areas where pedestrian activity is higher. In 2010, 73 percent of pedestrian deaths occurred in urban settings, although there is a higher ratio of deaths to injuries in rural areas because of higher speeds on rural roads and reduced access to trauma centers. In addition, 72 percent of all pedestrian deaths in 2010 occurred on highways, and 24 percent occurred at intersections.

When: The majority of pedestrian fatalities occur between the hours of 6 pm and midnight. Also, according to the CDC, the hours of 6 am to 9 am and 3 pm to 6 pm on weekdays are also very dangerous times. While this may seem surprising, it’s also the exact times that children are walking to and from school.

Pedestrians need to exercise care and caution at all times, but if you have been injured while walking, you should consult with an experienced pedestrian accident attorney to evaluate your case.

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